
Started by Bergwind, December 09, 2019, 07:23:03 AM

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Soon I would like to upload images of other authorship. Where should the other authorship be inserted in the mask?


Hey! There are few ways to indicate it.

  • If just authorship statement required - you can use watermark in the picture. You can add watermark using simple graphics editor like FastStone (easy to do for many images at the same time, to avoid the manual work)
  • Also you can use "description" field. It's easy to add there just a plane text. If you want to add also the link you must use special url construction
See example how to put URL to the description. So you use square brackets then you set link with http(or https), close the bracket and enter text you want to have on this link. After this you must to close url tag. Let me know if need more help!
Best regards,

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