Model of lighthouse ca. 1900

Started by Seeall, June 02, 2024, 09:51:14 AM

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I am trying to identify a model lighthouse from about 1900's.

Any information will be appreciated.


JeffArmitage Morley[2560] - Copy (2).jpg 


Hi! I would assume this is something from UK, but any additional details available? I.e. origin of the model, region / country?
Best regards,


Hello Mitko,

Sorry for not mentioning its possible location.  I presume with the image - which I include in full - being taken in a local, Morley, Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK chapel, the lighthouse I suggest is/was somewhere in the UK?Morley[2560].jpg




I made some research and I suspect this is not a full copy of real lighthouse or model which is not exactly scalable. Here are some considerations:
  • Lantern size comparing to the whole structure height indicates that this is relatively minor light
  • At the same time squares which seems should be windows are too close to each other for such structure
  • Lantern is square and have a think frames which are usually to be avoided as could give a dark sectors in the light operation
The positions of windows remind number of offshore lighthouses:

As for general shape it looks like Aberdeen range lighthouses

So maybe this model is kind of combination of both as artist seen this.
Best regards,


Hello Dmitry,

Thank you so much for taking the time to try and trackdown this lighthouse. To me the arrangement of the 'windows' does not follow a usual pattern.

The more I have studied the photograph, I am drawn to the assumption that the gentleman was presenting a lecture from the pulpit and using a representation, not a model, of a real lighthouse to aid his lecture. 

Possibly on the lines, that the lighthouse was symbolising that Christ is the light of the world, or Christ is the guiding light.

Care to comment?

Best wishes,



Lighthouse is frequently used as a symbol in religion especially in Christianity, so i would say your assumption is quite valid! Even now if you google something lighthouse and church you will see many references.   
Best regards,

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