International lighthouses sites

LighthousesRusThis site is intended to be a master index of all the lighthouses in the Americas (North and South).  It now includes portions of Europe as well.
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Russ Rowlett lighthouse directoryLighthouse Directory, which provides information and links for more than 14,600 of the world's lighthouses.49631
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Ken's Lighthouse LinksLinks to popular lighthouse websites around the world. History, locations, photos, lighthouse keepers, artwork, collectibles, and more! 15190
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Lighthouse Stamp SocietySociety of collectors stamps with lighthouses31080
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List of LightsAlexander Trabas online list of lights47680
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PharologyPharology is the study of lighthouses16940
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Lighthouse DigestFor 21 years, Lighthouse Digest, the lighthouse history and news magazine, has been telling the stories of lighthouses and the keeper's and families who served at these historic structures so that this history may be preserved for future generations.16050
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World Lighthouse SocietyWorld Lighthouse Society challenge at National and International level is to actively encourage and promote the protection and preservation of historically significant aids to navigation, primarily Lighthouses and Light Vessels.14280
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