Personal collections of lighthouses

Mylights siteGood lighthouses photo collection, primary Europe1325-1
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Chasseur de pharesCollection of Canadian lights by Patrick Matte10150
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New Stamps with LighthousesCarlos blog about stamps with lighthouses.13640
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Faros que visitéCarlos blog about travelling with many lighthouses mostly from South America13260
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Neal's blogBlog with great collection of photos13480
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Pete's Irish LighthousesMany photos of Irish lighthouses13820
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Klaus Hülse Lighthouses collectionGreat collection of lighthouses from different countries, including many valuable historic photos and postcards. 22301
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Les Phares - Die LeuchtturmgalerieGerman site about lighthouses11460
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A Lightkeepers JourneyFred's collection of lighthouses12000
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Ann Searle's Lighthouse PhotosLighthouses photos by Ann Searle 12730
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FarosvetArtist Andrey Savrasov creates models of lighthouses12600
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Bit Stop - LH gallerySite of Karen and Joe with great lighthouses gallery. 13520
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Le Phare a Travers Le MondeSite with many LH photos from travels 10180
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Michel Forand historic pictures collectionMichel Forand's large collection of lighthouse postcards.10920
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Lighthouse pages from Anke and JensMany photos of lighthouses made by Anke and Jens11721
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Leuchtturm WebGerman site about lighthouses12130
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Lighthouse GetawayGood collection of the LH photos, mostly US10530
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Grant and Tracey's Lighthouse PageGrant Maizels and Tracey Mitchell have been visiting
and photographing Australian Lighthouses since their honeymoon in April 1997.
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Japan lighthouseChubby lighthouse collection8990
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Selector Jonathon PhotographyWide collection of photos of lighthouses with very high quality pictures made by Jonathon8880
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