Local lighthouse sites

Russia: Virtual museum of the lighthousesVirtual museum of the lighthouses (on russian)17540
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UK: Michael Spencer's Comprehensive List of Scottish LightsGreat list of lighthouses and navigational lights in Scotland, done by Michael Spencer. Useful info and photographs. 15240
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Russia: Navigator's logbook (on Russian)Site about Russian Navy with some lighthouses collection14101
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Latvia: Latvijas BakasLighthouses of Latvia15030
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USA: Seguin Island Light projectMission:To distinguish Seguin Island Light as part of Maine's heritage, fostering connections with our area's history for generations to come!21330
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USA: US LighthousesInformation about US lighthouses28710
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USA, Canada: Lighthouse FriendsThis site includes photographs, directions, histories, and GPS coordinates of lighthouses in the United States and in the Canada37390
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USA: New England Lighthouses: A Virtual GuideOriginal photography, history, tour information, and much more for nearly 200 lighthouses in the New England states: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.18420
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USA: Seeing the lightLighthouses of Western Great Lakes14350
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UK: Petra site with scottish lighthousesAn  interactive map  of some Scottish lighthouses with short descriptions and an  alphabetical list of lighthouses in Scotland13760
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USA: Cyberlights Lighthouse2500 of photos, information, maps, videos, directions, and more on over 275 lighthouses  from New England, other parts of the United States as well as other countries. 13000
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South Africa: Lighthouses of South AfricaSite about lighthouses of South Africa13510
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USA: Big Bay LighthouseSave the Big Bay Lighthouse Organization12990
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USA: New England Lighthouse LoversNew England based, not for profit, lighthouse organization12800
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Finland: Bengtskär lighthouseWhere is the Bengtskär lighthouse, and what can you see and experience there?13080
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Sweden: Yttergrund lighthouseSweden site about Yttergrund lighthouse14400
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Sweden: Lighthouses around GotlandSweden site about Gotland lighthouses12390
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USA: Sea the lightsLighthouse photography, history and more13350
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USA: Morris Island LighthouseSave the Light is a grass roots, non-profit organization that was formed to save the Morris Island Lighthouse from being lost to the sea.28650
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Bermuda: Gibbs Hill Lighthouse BermudaSite about Bermuda lighthouse37900
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USA: Lake Superior's Apostle Islands National LakeshoreCruise Lake Superior's Apostle Islands National Lakeshore and learn about Keepers and their families that lived and worked in this secluded setting on the greatest of the Great Lakes, Lake Superior.16110
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South Africa: St.Simons lightA SchoonerMan Page12400
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Italy: FariSardegnaPhotos about all Sardinian lighthouses15350
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USA: Rhode Island Lighthouse HistoryA history of Rhode Island Lighthouses and Lighthships from 1749 to the present.16040
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USA: Point Sur lighthousePoint Sur lighthouse and its supporting lightstation buildings, now a California State Historic Park.28000
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Canada: Lighthouses of British ColumbiaList of lighthouses of British Columbia, Canada13310
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Australia: Lighthouses of Australia IncLighthouses of Australia Inc. is a non-profit organisation which aims to create a higher profile for Australian lighthouses within Australia and overseas, and thereby preserve, protect and promote their place within our history.18070
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USA: The Lighthouse HuntersThe Lighthouse Hunters - site of Christine and Tom Cardaci13420
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Australia: Lighthouses.com.auAustralian Lighthouse Traders16170
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Australia: SeaSide LightsA comprehensive site listing all Australian Lighthouses, and includes many photographs and historical lighthouse postcards in the author's collection13150
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UK: Bell Rock LighthouseSite of Bell Rock lighthouse18850
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Canada: Nova Scotia Lighthouse Preservation SocietyIn this site you will find information about 170 lighthouses, past and present. 23670
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USA: National Lighthouse MuseumFoundation to establish of US National Lighthouse Museum15510
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USA: USLHS Chesapeake ChapterThe Chesapeake Chapter of the USLHS16730
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USA: NJLHSThe New Jersey Lighthouse Society12780
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USA: Michigan LighthousesPhotos and information about Michigan Lighthouses13310
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Chile: Faros de ChileChilean Lighthouses12310
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South Africa: Lighthouses of S AfricaAll South African lighthouses  - Joe Viljoen Blog11710
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Brazil: Faróis brasileirosBrazil lighthouses - great site by Tito Lívio13210
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USA: The United States Lighthouse SocietyThe United States Lighthouse Society is a nonprofit historical and educational organization dedicated to saving and sharing the rich maritime legacy of American lighthouses and supporting lighthouse preservation throughout the nation.16020
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USA: American Lighthouse FoundationThe American Lighthouse Foundation is leading the way in saving our nation's lighthouses and their rich heritage.9850
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USA: USCG List of lightsList of lights maintained by US Coast Guard13310
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USA: USCG Historic siteUS Coast Guard site about Lighthouses, Lightships, Tenders & Other Aids to Navigation Subjects11150
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USA: Delaware River & Bay Lighthouse Foundation14520
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USA: Delaware Bay Lighthouse Keepers & Friends Association, Inc.14900
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USA: Alabama Lighthouse AssociationThe mission of the Alabama Lighthouse Association is the historic preservation of lighthouses. 11580
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USA: Florida Lighthouse AssociationProtecting, Preserving & Restoring Florida's Lighthouses22620
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USA: Florida Keys Reef Lights Foundation12780
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USA: Outer Banks Lighthouse Society16280
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Puerto Rico: Faros de Puerto Rico11010
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Canada: Prince Edward Island Lighthouse Society13230
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Canada: Prince Edward Island lighthouses10630
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Colombia: DIMAR Lighthouses pagePage with lighthouses of Colombian coast11380
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Faros de Venezuela: Centinelas del CaribeAn online "flip book" on Venezuela's lighthouses11300
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Costa Rica: Dirección de Navegación y SeguridadPage with Costa Rica lighthouses10980
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Mexico: Francisco Osorio's (farosmex) BucketLarge gallery of mexican lighthouses10680
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Argentina: Lista de Faros ArgentinosList of lights of Argentina14880
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Australia: Australian lighthousesThese pages contain a comprehensive list of all significant Australian Lighthouses and other major Oceania
maritime lights. Around 355 in total.
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New Zealand lighthousesLighthouses of New Zealand in NZ Encyclopedia 13780
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New Zealand: Maritime New ZealandMaritime New Zealand owns and maintains the lighthouses and beacons that are outside harbour limits in New Zealand. Those within harbour limits are controlled by local authorities. Ultimate responsibility for all maritime navigation aids in New Zealand li11020
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UK: Association of Lighthouse KeepersThe Association of Lighthouse Keepers provides a forum for everyone interested
in lighthouses, lightships and aids to navigation.
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Ireland: Commissioners of Irish LightsIrish lighthouses page16420
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UK: Northern Lighthouse BoardThe  is the General Lighthouse Authority for Scotland and the Isle of Man.12950
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France: LesFrance lighthouses page11890
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France: PharelandGood photos and information about the major French lighthouses.13170
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France: Silhouettes de PharesPhotos of many French lighthouses10540
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Spain: Faros de EspanaOfficial site of Maritime Administration (Puertos del Estado)10400
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Italy: Fari e SegnalamentiSite about italian lighthouses11440
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Bulgaria: Фаровете по българския черноморски брягBulgarian page about lighthouses11870
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Croatia: Maintenance of maritime waterways and radio serviceInformation about many Croatian lights12540
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Cyprus port authorityPage about lighthouses of Cyprus10880
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Greece: ΦΑΡΟΙ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣMany Greece lighthouses11000
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Germany: Leuchtturm-AtlasAtlas of German lighthouses13950
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Denmark: Danske fyrtårneSite about Denmark lighthouses21351
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Iceland: VitarSite about Iceland lighthouses15380
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Norwegian Lighthouse AssociationNorwegian Lighthouse Association (Norsk Fyrhistorisk Forening)11530
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Swedish Lighthouse SocietySwedish Lighthouse Society (Svenska Fyrsällskapet, SFA)12880
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Finnish Lighthouse SocietyThe Finnish Lighthouse Society was founded to promote protection and maintenance of the Finnish lighthouses and other navigational security signs as well as cultural inheritage they represent. The Society serves also as bond between lighthouse enthusiasts11080
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Estonian lighthouse society11660
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Poland: Lovers of Lighthouses Association12150
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India: The Directorate General of Lighthouses and Lightships11410
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Malaysia: Aids to Navigation page10960
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Vietnam: Southern Vietnam Maritime services13230
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Vietnam: Northern Vietnam Maritime services18540
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Philippines: Ligthhouses mantained by Coast Guard11040
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Japan lighthouses site10980
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South Korea: Major lighthouses11180
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Taiwan lighthouses15770
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China: Aids to Navigation search11190
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