I was been looking little bit to the pictures of lighthouses here and I found many inexact time information about the date of taking picture. Two examples:
1/ Rubjerg Knude in Denmark - I was there in September 2012
No museum as the info says; nothing to see from the lighthouse keeper houses; picture dated March 2012 shows near the lighthouse two houses 1/3 in sand, picture dated October 2013 not the least trace left from the buildings...
2/ Sandy Island in Antigua and Barbuda - I was there in February 2013 (I have a very bad picture from far distance)
There is no lantern on the skeletal tower, it was been removed some years ago; following the information on this page: did the maritime authority from St. Johns bring back the lantern on the top of the tower? (on picture dated December 2013 there is lantern)
My suggestion is:
Uploading a picture from a lighthouse and giving "other and date information" about it - make some up-to-date. It would be nice to follow in some cases the history of the structures.
Greetings Michal
1/ Rubjerg Knude in Denmark - I was there in September 2012
No museum as the info says; nothing to see from the lighthouse keeper houses; picture dated March 2012 shows near the lighthouse two houses 1/3 in sand, picture dated October 2013 not the least trace left from the buildings...
2/ Sandy Island in Antigua and Barbuda - I was there in February 2013 (I have a very bad picture from far distance)
There is no lantern on the skeletal tower, it was been removed some years ago; following the information on this page: did the maritime authority from St. Johns bring back the lantern on the top of the tower? (on picture dated December 2013 there is lantern)
My suggestion is:
Uploading a picture from a lighthouse and giving "other and date information" about it - make some up-to-date. It would be nice to follow in some cases the history of the structures.
Greetings Michal