File information |
Album name: | kwolfgang / Atlantic coast of Canada |
Current status (active, not active, museum etc): | officially inactive since 1999, but an unofficial red light is displayed |
Construction details (year of built, shape etc): | 1888 (rebuilt in 1930s ?) |
Height of the tower, m: | 7.5 | Focal plane elevation above sea level, m: | 10 |
Range, nm: | used to be 6 nm |
Coordinates (in any format): | N45.004125 W065.157045 |
Displayed: | 92 times |
Date added: | Dec 25, 2018 |
DateTime Original: | 2018:10:16 10:56:23 |
Keywords: | Canada / Nova Scotia / Bay of Fundy |
Download Picture: | For registered users only |