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Oberalp Pass / Lighthouse near the source of the Rhine river

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Oberalp Pass / Lighthouse near the source of the Rhine river
First lighted in the night of 14/15-10-2010
She stands near the source of the Rhine at a height of 2046 meters above sea level, and is scale model of the former Hoek van Holland low light (now placed near the Rotterdam Maritime Museum)
A ship called "Rheinquelle" sails now from Rotterdam over the Rhine to Basel, making stops on her way to inform and entertain the public. 
In August 2012 she will be cut to pieces in Basel, transported by road to the Oberalppass, to be welded there to one piece again and open on 01-08-2013 near the lighthouse as a museum and restaurant.
Keywords: Switzerland;Faux

First lighted in the night of 14/15-10-2010
She stands near the source of the Rhine at a height of 2046 meters above sea level, and is scale model of the former Hoek van Holland low light (now placed near the Rotterdam Maritime Museum)
A ship called "Rheinquelle" sails now from Rotterdam over the Rhine to Basel, making stops on her way to inform and entertain the public.
In August 2012 she will be cut to pieces in Basel, transported by road to the Oberalppass, to be welded there to one piece again and open on 01-08-2013 near the lighthouse as a museum and restaurant.

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File information
Album name:Hans de Graaf / Switzerland
Current status (active, not active, museum etc):No nautical function / Infocenter
Construction details (year of built, shape etc):2010
Coordinates (in any format):46.659013,8.670831
Displayed:898 times
Date added:Jun 07, 2012
DateTime Original:2012:05:29 16:19:08
Image Description:
Keywords:Switzerland / Faux
Download Picture:For registered users only
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Europa_076.JPG Europa_083.JPG Europa_079.JPG Rheinquelle_3.JPG Rheinquelle_1.JPG Rheinquelle_2.JPG Rheinquelle_4.JPG