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Kattegat / New Nidingen Lighthouse & Historical Twin Towers, left distant Fladen Lighthouse
Nidingen new C0670 / Fladen C0671 / Twin Fyr S-W ARLHS SWE-288 / Twin Fyr N-EARLHS SWE-428

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Kattegat / New Nidingen Lighthouse & Historical Twin Towers, left distant Fladen Lighthouse 
Permission granted.
Annette made this picture in the early morning hours, low humidity and a clear view.
To the right the new light flashing.
Beside it the historical Nidingen Dubbel Fyr. There where allready open fires at Nidingen from 1624.
To the left distant Fladen Lighthouse, also flashing, one can just see her helipad.
Keywords: Kattegat;Sweden;Offshore

Permission granted.
Annette made this picture in the early morning hours, low humidity and a clear view.
To the right the new light flashing.
Beside it the historical Nidingen Dubbel Fyr. There where allready open fires at Nidingen from 1624.
To the left distant Fladen Lighthouse, also flashing, one can just see her helipad.

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File information
Album name:Hans de Graaf / Sweden
Rating (1 votes):55555(Show details)
Current status (active, not active, museum etc):C0670-C0671 active, SWE-288-SWE-428 inactive
Construction details (year of built, shape etc):Nidingen new 1946 / Twin Towers 1832 / Fladen 1969
Height of the tower, m:??0670: 23;C0671: 26 Focal plane elevation above sea level, m:??0670: 25;C0671: 24
Light Description (light sectors, colour of the light, number of flashes etc):??0670: Composite group flashing, 2+1, period 27s, 18-39 red, 39-18 white ;C0671: Light1: Long flashing, period 8s, flash 2s, eclipse 6s, white, light2: security light, flashing, 3s, yellow
Range, nm:??0670: white 22 nm, red 19 nm ;C0671: white 9 nm
Any other comments:??0670: Also shown by day 1/11-31/3; C0671: Floodlit. Racon(N)
Coordinates (in any format):??0670: 57 18.1521 N 11 54.0490 E C0671: 57 12.8741 N 11 49.6224 E
Displayed:481 times
Date added:Sep 24, 2013
IPTC Copyright:Copyright Annette Seldén/N
Keywords:Kattegat / Sweden / Offshore
Download Picture:For registered users only
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