File information |
Album name: | mitko / Norway |
Current status (active, not active, museum etc): | Active |
Construction details (year of built, shape etc): | 1878 |
Height of the tower, m: | 15 | Focal plane elevation above sea level, m: | 19 |
Light Description (light sectors, colour of the light, number of flashes etc): | Flashing, 5s, G 253,6 - 267,4; W 267,4 - 273,3; R 273,3 - 315,3; W 315,3 - 317,4; G 317,4 - 350,0; W 350,0 - 25,3; R 25,3 - 65,8; G 65,8 - 72,3; R 72,3 - 95,8; W 95,8 - 145,5; G 145,5 - 163,3; R 163,3 - 168,7 |
Range, nm: | W 9 GR 6 |
Coordinates (in any format): | 58 03.4149 006 50.4183 |
Displayed: | 329 times |
Date added: | Jan 11, 2018 |
Keywords: | Norway / North sea |
Download Picture: | For registered users only |