File information |
Album name: | kwolfgang / North and West coasts of France |
Current status (active, not active, museum etc): | active |
Construction details (year of built, shape etc): | 1863 |
Height of the tower, m: | 13 | Focal plane elevation above sea level, m: | 13 |
Light Description (light sectors, colour of the light, number of flashes etc): | Group flashing, 4 flashes per 15s, flash 1s, eclipse 1s, 115-257 white, 257-284 green, 284-295 white, 295-318 red, 318-328 white, 328-25 red, 25-115 no light |
Range, nm: | W 15nm, G 11nm, R 12nm |
Coordinates (in any format): | N47,831355 W004,159227 |
Displayed: | 27 times |
Date added: | Apr 07, 2023 |
Keywords: | Atlantic ocean / Bay of Biscay / France / Brittany / South Finistere / Anse de Benodet / Loctudy / Lantern |
Download Picture: | For registered users only |