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Bay of Biskay / Loire Maritime / Near Saint-Marc-Sur-Mer / Le Grand Charpentier Lighthouse
D1104; CA63710

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Bay of Biskay / Loire Maritime / Near Saint-Marc-Sur-Mer / Le Grand Charpentier Lighthouse
Keywords: Bay of Biscay;France;Loire;Loire-Atlantique;Saint-Nazaire
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File information
Album name:Hans de Graaf / North and West coasts of France
Rating (1 votes):55555(Show details)
Current status (active, not active, museum etc):Active
Construction details (year of built, shape etc):1888
Height of the tower, m:27 Focal plane elevation above sea level, m:22
Light Description (light sectors, colour of the light, number of flashes etc):Quick, 1s, 20-54 green, 54-62 white, 62-92 red, 92-111 white. 111-310 red. 310-20 white
Range, nm:white 14 nm, red and green 10 nm
Coordinates (in any format):47 12.8315 N 2 19.1350 W
Displayed:407 times
Date added:Apr 14, 2013
DateTime Original:2013:03:06 17:22:54
Image Description:
Keywords:Bay of Biscay / France / Loire / Loire-Atlantique / Saint-Nazaire
Download Picture:For registered users only
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